School of Education students at PNNM field outing

Partnerships for Teacher Education

Partnerships for Teacher Education

Our innovative teacher education programs are made possible by our extensive network of partner schools and community agencies.

Our graduate and undergraduate faculty collaborate with over 70 schools, cultural institutions and community agencies to support student learning. Rather than isolating teacher preparation in university classrooms, our programs position teaching and learning in the places where children and families are served. Our students work alongside expert teachers in urban classrooms in high-need, high-performing schools and community organizations.

We also support partnership initiatives designed to address the needs of children and families across the Chicago area. These initiatives bring School of Education faculty, staff, students together with educators to address local needs.


Explore facets of these partnerships.

Visit the sections below to learn more about our partnerships, including examples of how we aim for mutuality with institutions that support the learning of our undergraduate and graduate students. 

Partner Schools and Community Agencies

Our school and community partnerships are diverse and widespread, across the City of Chicago and beyond. They include schools that host our field-based learning modules, internship sites, community and museum partners who collaborate with us in a number of different ways. Explore some of the partners in our network below.


Join our network of partners – here’s how they work

We approach partnership differently from most teacher education programs. Because our students develop their knowledge and skills in the field, we work with many partner sites to support student learning in ways that are unique to each site’s strengths and specializations. Through targeted and intentional partnerships, we match the needs of each term and licensure area with settings that are uniquely suited to support our students’ learning. A lead faculty member organizes the learning experiences within a given semester, supporting instructors across sites, and faculty travel with our student to teach at school and community sites.

We emphasize partnership over placement.Interested in partnering with our teacher education programs? Contact Dr. Vesna Cejovic, our Coordinator of School and Community Partnerships at vcejovi@luc.edu

Examples of mutuality in our field-based program

Misericordia Home
As part of a family engagement assignment, Early Childhood/Special Education majors plan and lead Tina’s Playgroup, a monthly interactive playgroup for children with disabilities aged birth to 7. Siblings and parents/caregivers also participate. Our candidates gain valuable experience in adult-child interaction and teaching, as they lead indoor and outdoor child-centered activities. They are also provided a rare opportunity to develop relationships with parents of children with disabilities outside the system of school-based special education services. Misericordia Home benefits from the structured activities and supervision made possible by our faculty and students, which also make larger and more differentiated groups possible.

Middleton Elementary School partnership supporting Sequence 5
Middleton Elementary School in Evanston, IL supports the preparation of Elementary Education majors (including those seeking the Reading Teacher endorsement) by regularly hosting a section of Sequence 5 juniors in their classrooms. In addition to the benefit of hosting our students and faculty at the school, Middleton teachers gain access to targeted professional development on inclusive children’s books, as well as access to some of these texts. Faculty have also served on school committees.

Loyola University-School Partnership (LUSP) Initiative

Since 2012, this initiative has provided specialized resources to P-20 schools across the Rogers Park, West Ridge, Edgewater, and Uptown communities. LUSP
strategically directs resources to support the education of students. including
academic support, social and cultural enrichment opportunities, health and wellness services, social-emotional supports, and family and community engagement activities.

Loyola Cultural Institutions in Teacher Education (CITE) Partnership

CITE brings School of Education faculty and staff together with partners from Chicago museums and cultural institutions. This leadership group supports learning experiences for School of Education teacher candidates across all program areas, as well as engaging in ongoing research about the group and its multifaceted efforts to connect educators with the mission, resources and supports our rich cultural institutions provide.

Learn more.

Chicago Public Schools Arts/PE Teacher Cohort Initiative

With dual support from the Department of Fine & Performing Arts (DFPA) in the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS), our School of Education has developed a prestigious institutional partnership with CPS to provide a pathway to education licensure in Illinois that specifically addresses areas of need in public schools focused on the arts and physical education.  Given the existing need to prepare greater numbers of dance, theatre, art, language and physical education teachers to meet basic requirements in public schools, as well as the anticipation that this need will increase considerably in the coming years, the program offers a unique path toward attaining licensure and bringing qualified candidates one step closer to making their impact as educators. The program offers discounted tuition and a stipend for practicing educators.  Candidates graduate with an MEd in Elementary Education as well as an endorsement in their chosen area of concentration (Dance, Theatre or Physical Education) and English as a Second Language (ESL).

A group of students work together.
Research Experience

Summer Research Internships for Teacher Candidates

Ten students will be selected to work alongside a Loyola faculty lab for a paid summer internship that focuses on biodiversity in an urban setting. The loss of biodiversity is one of the biggest challenges of our time and thus biodiversity science is one of the fastest growing and most integrative fields in all of science and incorporates questions and methodologies from a range of disciplines including biology, chemistry, geology, computer science, math, and statistics.


Elementary School Partners


High School partners


Museum Partners

Resources for TLLSC Community Partners

Community partners who support our teacher education programs gain access to a variety of resources. Explore these in the sections below. 

Would you like to hold a meeting or conference in the School of Education? We can assist Education partners in finding campus spaces for your event. Contact TLLSC@luc.edu if you have these needs.

Resources for TLLSC Community Partners

Community partners who support our teacher education programs gain access to a variety of resources. Explore these in the sections below.